Reporting a Hate Crime
Learn how to report a hate crime or a crime based on hate and explore steps that are involved.
4 Steps for Reporting a Hate Crime or a Crime Based on Hate
Step 1. Reporting to Police
A. Reporting during an ongoing incident
- If there is an immediate threat to personal safety or property, or if someone has been physically injured, the target, witness, residential staff member, or third party should call the police immediately. Call 9-911 from a campus phone, or 911 from a cell phone or off-campus phone. Tell the dispatcher what is happening and remain on the line with the dispatcher.
B. Reporting after an incident has occurred
- If a hate crime has been committed (or reason to believe that one has been committed), you can and should call the police. The police will also be contacted by the University once we receive a report that we believe meets the criteria of a hate crime or a crime based on hate.
- If there is reason to believe that a Protected Identity Harm incident has been committed but there is uncertainty about whether it meets the criteria of a hate crime or a crime based on hate, the police may be contacted for consultation and to assess the situation.
- On the University campus, if the Protected Identity Harm incident involves property damage such as graffiti on a building, the Stanford Police should be notified as soon as possible and the police will preserve or document the evidence.
Step 2. Preservation of physical evidence
Before proceeding to Step 3, do not tamper with, touch, remove, or destroy physical evidence.
A. If the police have been called or if it is believed that a crime has been committed and the police will be called to conduct an investigation, the police will collect and process the evidence. After the police have documented the evidence, the police or University personnel will notify University Facilities or the University Housing office to have the material removed.
B. If the police will not be called, the offending material should be removed or covered ONLY after consultation with one of the persons listed in Step 3.
Step 3. Reporting to University Personnel
A. You should also report any suspected hate crime or crime based on hate to the Office of Community Standards for investigation.
B. If you have questions about reporting to the OCS, or if you would like to discuss your experience with other University staff, you can also contact the following people who can contact the OCS:
- In an Undergraduate dorm, report the incident to residential staff member: your Resident Fellow (RF), your Residence Director (RD) or your Resident Assistant (RA).
- In a Graduate Residence, report the incident to the Graduate Life Office.
- At an Overseas Campus, Stanford In Washington/New York or the Hopkins Marine Station, report the incident to the Associate Dean of Students, Darrell Green.
- In any setting other than those listed above, report the incident to the Dean of Students.
Step 4. Fill out Protected Identity Harm Reporting Form
A. To best keep track of these incidents, even for those that are deemed or thought to be hate crimes or crimes based on hate, please fill out a Protected Identity Harm incident report.